You're on Page One of Google. Is Your Copy Driving Sales Away?

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blog post

Aug 20, 2014

You’re on Page One of Google. Is Your Copy Driving Sales Away?


By Heather Munro
Photo by Bench Accounting on Unsplash


Congratulations! Your business is ranking on Internet searches. You’ve spent your money on SEO, web design and paid search ads. But no one is buying. Could it be that your slapped-together copy is turning your prospects off?

I humbly submit that, like many companies today, you’ve overlooked a tool in your creative arsenal: the words. Words engage. Invite. Entice. Romance. Encourage people to email you directly with questions. Sign up for your service. Buy your product. Tell their friends about you. Share your blog post.

I once worked for a company that never wanted to circulate copy for approval before it went up on the website. Not even to check for typos. As someone with an ad agency background, this astounded me.

The copy you choose to describe your product, service or business matter. People may be reading less these days, but that means you’ve got to grab their attention even more. If you want to engage with your customers and prospects, choose your words that speak specifically to your audience.


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